Parade Policies

Parade Policies
- All floats and entries must incorporate the Sturgis Falls theme into their float or entry in some way. The 2024 theme is “Making Memories”. Exceptions include: the City Fire and Police Departments. Prior to entering the parade, you will be asked how you have incorporated our theme into your group. If it does not, you will be excluded from participating.
- Commercial entries [i.e., a vehicle with a business name on it] will NOT be accepted unless they conform to the theme or are pulling a float or entry.
- Parade entries may distribute by handing out individually wrapped candy and items such as pencils, beads, hats, etc. along the parade route. These items will be handed out only. No throwing of items. There are NO COUPONS OR FLIERS to be handed out.
- DOGS ARE RESTRICTED FROM THE PARADE UNLESS THEY ARE PART OF AN ORGANIZED PRE-APPROVED ANIMAL EVENT PER CITY ORDINANCE #2788. Animal entries must be equipped with the necessary “pooper scooper crew” and/or animal diapers. Animal entries accept responsibility for cleaning up the staging area and Parade route, if necessary. Failure to comply may result in being pulled from the parade line-up and/or not being allowed to participate in future Sturgis Falls parades.
- Candidates who are running for office ride as an entry in the main body of the parade and must include the actual candidate. Elected officials desiring to be in the parade are placed with the Dignitary Line-up [in front of the main parade body]. No political comments may be made by candidates/elected officials at any time along the parade route.
- ABSOLUTELY NO water guns, squirt guns, or other water spraying equipment will be allowed due to overwhelming spectator complaints.
- In order to keep the parade moving, the maximum allowable stop time to perform is 30 seconds.
- Float trailer lengths cannot exceed 45 feet in width or 8 feet in height. Because of this restriction, the Festival assumes no liability for floats that are damaged due to trees/overhanging branches along the route. Also, floats must be able to make the 3rd and Main Street corner safely without jumping the curb, regardless of trailer length.
- Experienced tractor drivers only!!
- No amplified music shall exceed 85 decibels.
- Neither the City of Cedar Falls nor the Sturgis Falls Entertainment Committee bears any responsibility for personal injuries or property damage inflicted by or on any participants in the parade. Parade participants should be properly insured against medical, property damage, or personal liability occurring to themselves or to any other person in connection with parade or parade activities.
The Sturgis Falls Entertainment Committee reserves the right at any time to refuse participation in the parade of any entry deemed inappropriate. The Entertainment Committee also reserves the right to withdraw any unit of which costume or performance does not conform to the standards of reasonable public taste.
- On the parade registration form, mark the box indicating the category in which you wish to be judged.
- Only original floats constructed for the Sturgis Falls Parade will be accepted for competition.
- Arrive at the staging area at the time indicated for entries being judged.